Kahara Primary School: building education on solid foundations

Kahara Primary School has a very child-friendly environment to help pupils feel safe and happy. Training in specific teaching methods for younger children helps ensure each child has the best foundation for their education, helping them to progress well through school.

Silas teaches English and Science at Kahara. He talked to us about the training he has received.

“Build Africa has conducted training courses in school management and teacher training a few times at Kahara. My approach to teaching has seriously changed. I have been head hunted by other schools but I want to stay.

“I have had child-friendly, learner-centred training. We sometimes use a jigsaw method of teaching now in which the pupils are split into small groups and they teach themselves. In this way they learn a lot, much more than they used to when the learning was by rote. The teacher just guides them. They explain their reasoning to each other and then come to an agreement as a group. It is a simple but very effective way of learning, because they trust each other. You can cover a lot in a very short period. The results have reflected this.

“We use very many other methods that are new to us. For example ‘Think, Pair, Share’ in which groups of 2 or 3 are encouraged to think on their own and then share their conclusions with the others.”