IDAC Key Stage 3
Lesson Plan Overview
Lesson 1
L.O: Understanding the idea of rights
In this lesson, students will be introduced to the idea of rights by discussing what rights we expect, and issues that affect themselves and society such as the consequences of bullying and racism, on individuals and communities. Students will reflect on various issues from around the world, using imagination to understand other people’s experiences. This will lead to a discussion of the idea that there are different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties at home, at school and in the community, and that these can sometimes conflict with each other. The main task will involve deciding classroom rules that everyone is happy with and then explaining that by signing everyone agrees to follow the rules so everyone will feel safe in the classroom.
Download KS3 Lesson 1: Lesson Powerpoint and Teachers Notes
Lesson 2
L.O: Understanding the importance of education and the differences across the world
Using the Millennium Development Goals this lesson will explore why going to school is important. The main task will ask students to produce a poster promoting learning for all students, gaining an understanding that some places in the world experience a lack of access to education and therefore lead very different lives.
Download KS3 Lesson 2: Lesson Powerpoint and Teachers Notes
Lesson 3
L.O: Identifying how learning in Africa is different to the UK
Students will be asked to count the steps they take to school and then compare this to how many steps Ugandan students such as Joseph and Sarah from the case studies take. This is one difference out of the many that can be made apparent in a fun and inclusive way. Using their imagination students will reflect upon the differences of their school journeys.
Download KS3 Lesson 3: Lesson Powerpoint and Teachers Notes